Lyntia entrusts plug&go with a ‘Hygge’ home of wellbeing and collaboration at its new headquarters in Torre Emperador

Client: LYNTIA
Service: Design & Build
Sector: Terciary – Offices.
Location: Torre Emperador. Madrid
Deadline: 2018
Status: Completed

Plug&go has carried out the design and implementation of Lyntia’s new headquarters in Torre Espacio, the former Ufinet, which the private equity firm Cinven sold to the Antin fund last May.

This process of change and transformation of the workspace incorporates not only its new corporate identity and name change, but also transfers to the design the group’s strategic vocation of deploying fibre-to-the-home networks. A challenge in the residential market that evokes a warm workspace, with neutral colours and a ‘Hygge’ trend.

The space allows the team:

To use it by profiles, providing spaces for collaboration, communication, concentration and contemplation. 4C methodology that plug&go subscribes to in all its projects.

A space of more than 2,000 sqm in height where to innovate, work and enjoy the best views of the city.